To address the climate crisis, rising inequalities, poverty, loss of biodiversity, freshwater depletion, pollution and other wicked challenges we collectively face, many aspects of how we do business, how we produce and consume, how we organize our society and economy, our organizations and institutions, how we live daily life and how we lead organizations must be transformed. We need a new generation of sustainability leaders that will be on the forefront of realizing the needed changes in the coming decades.


Today’s sustainability challenges require collaborative and relational modes of leadership based on dialogue, inclusion, collaboration and participation. Sustainability leaders receive their legitimacy from involving and including stakeholders in the conversation about shaping our shared future, with special attention to marginalised groups and voices. Sustainability leadership is committed to and grounded in healthy, thriving and equitable communities.



Throughout the training, participants learn about various dimensions of sustainability leadership:

LEADING CHANGE: leading the sustainability transformation of mindsets and organisations & mobilising others to take action for a sustainable future for all

LEADING BY VALUES: identifying personally meaningful values and purpose for the sustainability transition on the personal and organisational level & helping others do the same

LEADING WITH OTHERS: designing a sustainability vision & sustainable processes and practices in dialogue with members of the organisation, the community and external stakeholders

SYSTEMS THINKING: thinking of ourselves, our organisations and communities as embedded in the interconnections between people and natural systems & supporting others in navigating the complex sustainability landscape

We work with universities, NGOs, social movements, public & private sector organisations and citizens who wish to develop the leadership skills needed for accelerating the sustainability transition. By following the training, participants learn about what it means to be a sustainability leader on the (inter)personal, organisational and societal level. But above all, sustainability leadership is a mindset and a way of living. Throughout this training, we learn most from each other about how to develop this mindset, and live a life through which we can make our own contribution to a sustainable future for all.