
Dr. Evgenia Lysova is an Associate Professor in Organizational Behavior at the Department of Management and Organisation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research primarily concerns the meaning of work as a calling, meaningful work, and Corporate Social Responsibility. She is especially interested in understanding what enables employees to experience a sense of work meaningfulness in their careers and their organizations, how individuals can experience their work as meaningful, and what role organizations play in supporting this process, with particular attention to a pursuit of meaningful work “healthy” manner (e.g., focus on work-life balance and well-being).

Evgenia‘s work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Human RelationsPersonnel PsychologyJournal of Vocational BehaviorFrontiers in Psychology, and Career Development International, among others. She is an editorial board member at the Journal of Vocational Behavior and Journal of Career Assessment and is currently a guest editor of the Special Issue on “Ethics and the Future of Meaningful Work” at the Journal of Business Ethics.

 email: e.lysova@vu.nl